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April 16, 2009

Bye Bye John... Sunday Will Never Be The Same

John Madden announced his retirement today. I am very happy for him.. but this is going to be a sad day and tough transition for Julie.

John Madden is the reason Julie watches football. She loves his voice.. his simple explanations of the game.. and those gynormous hands latched around the microphone ;)

Fall and winter Sunday afternoons at our house involve Julie grabbing some lunch and the newspaper, settling in on the living room floor to eat and read and putting John on in the background. The perfect afternoon.

I am happy for John. At 73, it's probably time for him to take a break and enjoy the fruits of his labor. But just know - you will be missed!

So - anyone got any fabulous ideas for how Julie can spend her Sunday afternoons now? What do you love to do on a lazy Sunday afternoon?


julie said...

I love John Madden. I was very sad to hear he is retiring. Football will never be the same! Felt like I was watching football with family every Sunday.

He reminded me of Harold our neighbor in Schoolcraft. Big man with a kind heart and very giving.

Good thing I still have Krukow and Kuiper announcing Giants baseball.

~joanne said...

Does he have a brother Steve, that makes shoes?

Jon Logan said...

watch ESPN Classic? That way you can continue listening!