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May 17, 2009


A week ago we couldn't have imagined Hannah would be doing as well as she is. We are pleased to notify you that we discharged the twinvalids today. Yes, Hannah and Maggie - along with Mike have returned to Berkeley to complete finals week. Hannah has one oral exam and final over the next couple of days and left feeling very optimistic about completing them; a huge improvement in status from last week.

We greatly appreciate your prayers - and are convinced that they were instrumental in Hannah's recovery. She is feeling so much better and is now off almost all of her meds at this point.

Of course, you wouldn't be able to tell they were feeling better from this shot. But this is just because it's about 100 degrees today!

But, the last couple of days she has been getting back to her energetic self. For example - yesterday she remembered that she has a flute and decided to 'perform' for Maggie and Mike. I encouraged them to clap as hard as they could when she completed a song in hopes that she would call it a night.

Then, this afternoon Jon and Rachel came by.. and she felt the need to reprise her performance. Rachel enjoyed the show.. but Jon decided to modify the end of the flute (note the cherry tomato he inserted) in hopes of ending it early!

Thanks again for all your prayer support! Have a great week!


Cassie said...

I am so glad that Hannah is doing well! I wish her luck on her finals and am sure you all will sigh with relief when finals week is completed!

Hannah said...

I play a mean flute!!!! Don't get the wrong idea everyone!!!!

Joel said...

It's not your flute-playing skills that are giving us the wrong idea, it's your bright yellow pants.

Hannah said...

Don't judge the pants... those are a fashion statement some just can't make like me.

Tod Henderson said...

joel - you should know better! those are MAIZE pants ;)

The Hendersons said...

btw Hannah.. the astronauts working on the Hubble Space Telescope wanted you to know that could see your pants from space. Sweet!

~joanne said...

Ahhh Funny funny!

Joel said...

At least the fashion statements the rest of us make are courteous enough not to blind people. Though if you're trying to camouflage yourself to look like a giant bumble bee, congrats, mission accomplished.

The Hendersons said...

but you must concede... she does look good ;D

Jon Logan said...

how clutch was that tomato? i was laughing so hard!