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August 23, 2009

SF Zoo

Friday Joel, Carissa, Julie and I had a chance to visit the San Francisco Zoo. As you all know, Julie loves animals and a chance to get out and experience wildlife in a place as compelling as the SF Zoo is a treat. To be able to share the visit with Joel and Carissa made it even better!


Here's Joel - halfway through the visit. He got a little tired and kicked back for some down time.

Here's his impression of a bear!



Lethal Threats:

Non-Lethal Threats:

There was an infant west african lowland gorilla born at the zoo to a mother that did not take very good care of her. So, they took the infant from her mother and bonded her to a surrogate. Things seem to be going well now.

Reticulated giraffes, zebra, etc.


julie said...

They have electric wires around the tiger display now. I love all the baby animals!

~joanne said...

Love zoo's too! So cool to see animals in real life!