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January 14, 2010

Another One...

one of my colleagues who i mentioned the Monty Hall Paradox to (see previous entry) - tried one of his favorites out on me.

try this out. make sure you think of your answer before you read on!!

please pick a number from one to four

ok? did you pick a Number from One to Four?

don't read on until you've made your selection.

ok.. got the number in your head?

then read on.....

your number was three!!

wild, eh?????


Unknown said...

mine was 2...

~joanne said...


Tod Henderson said...

ok... well.. it doesn't always work.

psychologists claim that roughly 90%+ of people will choose 3. why? it has something to do with the fact that your brain wants to fill in 'missing data'. if you read the question it mentions 1, 2 (to) and 4. so.. the theory is that your brain will spit out 3.

i tried it at work and about 65-70% of people did, indeed, choose 3. a far cry from 90% - so maybe this one is an urban legend.

btw... i chose 3.

Janice said...

My number was 2, Andrew was 1, and John was 3. 33% for our family.

The Hendersons said...

hmm... epic fail. clearly.

at least we all had fun with it.

Vicky said...

mine was 3!!!!! way to go Mr Wizard...

Vicki said...

Mine was three too! Maybe it's a Vicki thing? LOL!

Joel said...

You were just teasing me with that whole Bloggies nomination meeting thing, weren't you?! Bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies, bloggies!

The Hendersons said...

joel!!! they are coming!! these things take time!!