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March 21, 2010

Meet Katie

We've had an extra member at our house for the last week or so.  Meet Katie; she's a basset hound that we are taking care of for a couple weeks.  Her parents are on a trip to China where they are adopting a two-year old named Noah.  It has been a very challenging experience for them - which you can read about, if interested,  at their blog The Adventures of Noah.  Their initial posts will break your heart... but things have been getting steadily better.

Our minor part in the adventure has been hosting Katie.  She is definitely fitting in here.  As you can see in the picture above - she thinks she owns Indy's bed now ;)  Of course, that also means that we've completely given up on controlling where the dogs go in the house!

Katie is quite a playful dog and it's been fun to watch her playing with Gina and Indy.  Here's a typical afternoon game of tug of war!

She's also fitting well into the walk regiment here at Team Henderson.  She does wonderfully on the leash with the other dogs and they make quite a sight as they walk around town.

Of course, Indy has not relinquished her spot at the front of the pack!  Welcome Katie.  We can't wait to see your new family member - Noah!


~joanne said...

Katie looks just like a queen sitting on the dog bed.

julie said...

I am the real Dog Whisperer!

The Hendersons said...

she really is!! i remain incredibly impressed with julie's ability to exhibit a calm strength which pretty much every animal that has crossed our threshold has responded to in the desired manner.

a case in point is that when Katie first arrived she had a tendency to jump up on people. apparently other people within our circle of friends are aware of this behavior. well, within a couple of days Katie pretty much figured out that we didn't want that happening and stopped jumping up on us. instead, she now waits for us to reach down and pet her. bingo!!

when i casually mentioned that we had experienced the problem but resolved it quickly a couple of our friends were amazed.

not me... she's that good!!

~joanne said...

Can she fix Jaxi's shedding problem?

Becky Harford said...

I'm with Joanne! If you can stop Sadie from shedding, you will not only be the true dog whisperer, but also the true Miracle Worker, Jules. Miss you guys and thank you so much for the day (and night) of fantastic hospitality.

julie said...

The best I can do for shedding is recommend the FURminator. It really works but is expensive.

Or get a turtle. Bengie doesn't shed!

Vicki said...

Julie is correct the Furminator is fabulous! However, if you are willing to wait a couple of weeks - a co-worker and I find the real thing for only $11 instead of the $45-50 I've seen on line. We googled it and strolled through the many listings until we found it. I'll have to look it up for you! It came from China I think but it is just like the first one I bought and misplaced. Of course after the new one arrived the old one appeared!

Julie - I need you to come and help our Mojo out. He gets so excited when he sees other dogs that he whines and barks.

~joanne said...

I looked at them on eBay...they were like $10...is that the right one. They also carry them at the pet store on Alpine..was going to check out their price.

~joanne said...

Julie can you please make us a blogmercial?