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March 6, 2009


After weeks of rain it has been a blessing to be in San Diego for the last couple days. The days have been sunny and mild; absolutely perfect weather for spending time outside enjoying the Marine graduation (next post) and local scene.

Here's a picture of the beach to the left and right of our condo as viewed at 5:00 am! Yes, we have been getting up very early to get to the Marine training center early in the mornings to take in the whole graduation event.

After a couple days of waking around the training center and enjoying our evenings I was ready for a little exercise; so I hit the beach late this afternoon for a run. As I stretched out and got my body moving my soul exhaled a giant 'ahhhh'. Yes!! Running outside in the fading sunlight. The late afternoon air cool and refreshing. As I was completing my run the sun was doing a perfect curtsy - floating above the horizon - sharing a final moment of calm perfection before the final rays rippled off the gentle ocean waves and into the night.

My heart leapt a beat in praise. Ahhhhhhhhhhh....

Here's a picture of the pier outside our condo just after sunset - with the lights aglow. A beautiful California evening is commencing and I am off to revel in it.

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