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September 16, 2009

Shameless Plug!

I could slow role this... but instead I'm just putting it out there hard and heavy.

If you don't regularly visit Rachel's Blog (odetogoodness) you should... nay, shall I say you must. Rachel is an inquisitive and skilled epicurean (she loves food, people). In fact, she is of the highest order... which in my book means she shares her delights with me (and you).

I think I am safe in divulging to you that Rach spends a tremendous amount of time searching for and procuring delicious and healthy recipes which she then she tweaks in her kitchen to perfection. Having done all the heavy lifting, she shares them with us; including easy to follow, blow-by-blow instructions accompanied by jaw-dropping photography.

For a case in point - check out that loaf of wheat bread she just posted about. Perfection!

Consider this advertisement for her blog my heartfelt encouragement for you to visit and bookmark odetogoodness. You won't regret it! Get R Done!


~joanne said...

Your just a bread lover! It does look pretty perfect!

Wish she lived near me, so she could experiment with GF recipes with me!

Rachel said...

Tod! You are too sweet! That definitely deserves a loaf of fresh baked bread!!

Joann! I actually cook gluten free often as I have a friend who can not have gluten. Maybe I'll do a gluten free post. :)You can search through the recipes. I will tag them
if they are gluten free.

~joanne said...

Man Rachel.....you are wonderful!

Tod was this your plan all along...a loaf of homemade bread? Good one!

The Hendersons said...

oh no jo - it just ain't so! i was just calling it like i see it.

but, not complaining about the manna from heaven... ummm i mean the bread from odetogoodness ;)

Joel said...

Shameless plug indeed. Did Rachel hire you on to run her ad campaign? You'll have to add OdetoGoodness marketing rep to your resume.