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September 12, 2009

Don't look Tod!

On Thursday Indy was spayed. She did great and has been a great patient. I love my job and I thought it would be fun to show a few surgery pictures.

Dr. Ansorge preformed the surgery and I assisted.

I was hoping to show better surgery pictures but Indy's "parts" were so small!!

Post-op she had to wear a cone to keep her from licking her incision. How sad is that.


The Hendersons said...



~joanne said...

Could they even find her parts?

Lurinda said...

Glad to see the patient is doing well. But how is Grandpa Tod?...he does not do to well with that kind of thing.

Across the street one of the dogs had to have surgery done and has been in a cone. It was not heavy enough to keep the dog from getting at the wound...they finally had to use a 5 gal bucket. I am glad Indy is so little...it is too funny watching the dog with the bucket on his head.

Hannah said...

Awwwwww, my puppy!! Hold on Indy!! I know they are torturing you!!