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November 24, 2007

Irish 2-0 in California!

When you are having your worse season in history that's the kind of stat you look for. Yes, sports fans - the Irish of Notre Dame are undefeated, 2-0, in the state of California. They were successful in beating UCLA earlier this year and now have taken down the proud Stanford Cardinal 21-14! So, they have that going for them.

As a representative of the Great State of California I formally and humbly apologize to the remaining 49 states for this tragedy.

It's hard to describe the actual game. Let's just say it was an appropriate kind of game for two teams trying to be the best '3 win' team in America. I guess Notre Dame took the crown. Woo-wee.

I think officially there were 112 turnovers in the game. Maybe 113. We're not sure because the statistician gave up and started drinking in the 4th quarter. My friend Ramon went along with me to the game. He is a famous algebra teacher and even he was getting confused trying to add all those negative numbers. So, he just gave up and started staring at Jennifer Montana. That's the wife of Joe Montana - a famous Notre Dame alum and SF 49er. Okay, I don't think he was really staring at Jennifer so much as trying to figure out if his figure was as good as Joe's. I decided to stay out of that discussion altogether. I just know he had two orders of garlic fries. You decide.

You're also probably aware that the TV writers guild is on strike. In most cases you can actually view that as a good thing that California is doing for the country. Being the socially conscious people that we are - part of the Stanford band decided to strike during the pre-game show. You have to love the Stanford band. I think they may be the only college band that has ever been put on probation by the NCAA! That's quite an achievement. We, of course, are very proud!

It was fun to have Dean Smith and Matt, his son, along for the game. I think we all went home entertained.. but not exactly sure what the heck just happened. It was one of those games!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.