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January 6, 2008


So, if you haven't heard.. we've been having some major storms come through the Bay Area in the last several days. Friday was the big one. Many areas received several inches of rain and the winds were clocked at up to 100 mph.

The storm got personal Friday night as I was driving home from work. I was shocked out of my half-zoned-out-commuter-daze by an amazing BOOM just above my head. Something had struck my car. I immediately did an assessment and figured out the car was driving okay. I had control of the car. So, in the driving rain - I pulled over to the shoulder - got out and checked the car.. to find the huge HOLE in the sun-roof that you see in the picture.

I have no idea what hit the car. It certainly freaked me out! But, thanks to God it didn't go through the windshield! And, I was able to get home without further damage.

So, that was my Friday night. Hope yours was a bit less eventful!

Have a great week.

Monday Update: so - it appears that the piece of glass that was broken costs $942. That does not include installation! Amazing (in a bad way!). Ever wonder why insurance costs are so high??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa little bro! Glad to hear someone was watching over you. Don't want to think about what would have happened if it hit the windshield!!!! Hope things get better for you.

Just to let you know the storm is arriving here in Michigan. We are all about sharing, but you can keep the storms & all that goes with them.

Talk to you soon!