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October 5, 2008

Zondervan's Oops!

This morning, Julie is sitting in church - trying to find the passage that goes with the morning's sermon.. which was early in the book of Mark. At some point she nudges me and starts laughing after realizing there is something wrong. You see, her bible goes from Matthew 27 to Mark 7... in 1 page! Oops. Check out the picture and the page numbers. There are 8 pages missing!

So, then we're trying to figure out which is worse. The fact that her Bible is missing a few chapters... or the fact she's owned the bible for 3 years and is just now figuring out they were missing ;)


~joanne said...

What's the return policy on Bibles??

julie said...

I guess that is what I get for buying my bibles at Costco.

Anonymous said...

You know Samaritan's Purse has a great read through the Bible program. It skips around every day so you don't get bogged down in the O.T. And The Message is great for a lot of the O.T. Free advice!!