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October 16, 2010

Oops.. she did it!

While hanging out in Los Gatos, Hannah spotted this little beauty in a scooter shop.  She immediately had to take a test drive.

Of course, Rachel needed to take a spin!

Well, then, come on - you know that they had to take a ride together.  I'd say they're enjoying themselves!

Hannah has always wanted a scooter - and she just absolutely fell in love with this beauty.  We did a little negotiating and then got in the Jeep to take mom home.  On the way home - what did we see?  And old lady riding down the street on a scooter.  Hannah screamed 'it's a sign!'.  You see, my dad had left each of the kids a small inheritance when he passed away.  Hannah had a revelation.  "Grandpa wants me to use some of his money to get the scooter, dad!"  she exclaimed.

So, shortly after dropping mom off at home for a nap - we were on our way back to the scooter shop.  Yep, that's right!  Hannah is the proud, new owner of a pink scooter.  Of course she insisted that they leave the ribbons and bow on it if she was going to buy it!

She absolutely can't wait to take it to school and scoot around campus.  She even rode it home. This is her on the home stretch - on our street.  Check out the cool helmet.  She got them to throw it in for free!

You know Julie couldn't wait to get a ride!  Here's my two favorite women taking a scoot!

I hope Hannah really enjoys it back at Berkeley.  I can almost see it now....


~joanne said...

Oh Hannah, you should have been a motivational speaker or a negotiator! Have fun with pinky!

Joel said...

Awesome. I'd like a ride when we're down in California for Christmas. We can roll while listening to Trans-Siberian Orchestra, because they are awesome as well, despite the opinion of lame Cal professors.