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March 3, 2008

Democracy Can Work

I know, at times, we observe the many social ills that befall our world and, even, our great nation. Sometimes that makes it difficult to believe we, as individuals, can make a positive difference.

However, as evidence that democracy does work, and in order to encourage you today, I ask you to focus your attention on the blog header picture. Note, that it is the exact 900 pixels wide the author desires.

Yes, America - and the world - the collection of individuals that complained to Google to restore our ability to choose our blog header widths worked. And now, we can live again in peace.

Google - you are to be commended for listening to the will of the people - and throwing us a bone.


julie said...

The world is at peace again!! I know I was losing sleep over this too.

~joanne said...

You are wacked!...