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March 3, 2008

My Sister Has No Game

My sister's name is Lurinda. I must admit she was a pretty good athlete in her time. However, that time is way past at this point although she insists on pretending that it isn't.

She also is normally pretty bright. Please note this is a relative analysis and I am giving her much credit due to the fact she lives in Michigan, has a child, likes Michigan State.. and many other factors that might diminish normal capacities.

Now, my sister is getting into photography. She has a friend, Lori, who is helping her (her mentor). In any event, that excites me because I like photography.

So, when I asked her to send me a picture from her visit to Tennessee.. I kind of expected that she might actually send a cool picture. You know, one that included people. One where you could tell it was her. That sort of thing.

Instead, I got this picture that looks like they broke into the arena, snuck into the bleachers.. set their camera timer on.. and ran to the opposite side of the court for the picture. I'm reasonably certain that my sister is on the right. But, who could tell?? It might even be Lori on the left.. but God only knows.. and He had to use a microscope to figure it out!

Lurinda - you have no game!!

Stanford vs. Tennessee
Stanford, CA
Stanford 73 - Tennessee 69 (ot)


~joanne said...

Tod you are so fun!..or should I say funny!! *Ü*

Anonymous said...

No game.....This was not sent by me. The pro (Lori)sent it to you. Actually practice just had been finished & we were allowed to be on the court. Just before this was taken into the athletic office where we were able to admire the National Championship Trophies. Take note that would be multiples...more than one. This is the only photo of me...other than the bridge that I was tricked to be on...otherwise was behind the camera.

Love you too!
Your sister!!!!