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April 6, 2008

Friday Get-Away Day

Last friday both Julie and I were off work. So, we decided to get away and have a fun date in San Francisco. We started by walking across the Golden Gate Bridge. Julie's been all the way across before.. but it was my first time.

It's a little less than two miles across; about 0.8 miles between the the two towers that define the main span. Of course, that's in human steps.

However, in terms of miles of wires... well, there are over 80,000 MILES of wires that form the 'cables' that hold the bridge up. The second picture is a cutaway of the main cables which are about 3 feet in diameter. If you click on it and blow it up.. you can see each individual wire that forms the cable. There are 27,000 in each cable. It's a pretty cool thing to think about how such an amazing feat of engineering ever happened. I wouldn't know where to start. Well, actually, I would start by being afraid of heights and giving up!

After we walked across the bridge I took Julie to Fort Baker which is on the north (Marin) side of the bridge. You can literally walk UNDER the bridge which is a great view. The third picture is one from the road you can walk to go under the bridge.

Finally, we ended our afternoon by going in Sausalito - a beautiful city right on the bay with gorgeous homes built into the mountain side. We grabbed some food and did some, well, shopping!

It was a fun day and a fun date!


~joanne said...

Looks like a great time! We do know that a round trip is 4 miles!

Lurinda said...

Way to go little bro! Glad to see you faced your fear of heights. You should have been with us on Saturday, climbed a mountain. Only 4 miles round trip. I will send photos as soon as I can.
Glad you both had a great time. Love you both!