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April 30, 2008

First In!

You might wonder why Jon Logan is racing towards his girlfriend Rachel while she looks like she is luxuriating at the end of the pool. Allow me to explain.

Team Henderson has an informal, friendly competition each Spring to see who will be the first to brave the cool waters of our pool. The pool is not heated so contestants must weigh the relative risk (thermal shock and death) vs reward (winning!) as the days get longer and warmer to decide just when they will go for it.

This year Jon thought he had a stone cold lock on the title as he came over Sunday afternoon with his girlfriend. However, as Jon was distracted talking with us - Rachel- sweet, loving, sneaky like a fox Rachel - raced to the pool and elegantly dove in - claiming the prize. Moments later Jon dove in. Second. Close but no cigar.

Rachel is one amazing woman. We have really enjoyed getting to know her and having a chance to see her and Jon together. They have a lot of fun and we enjoy having them around. I especially love discovering the fun, smart, sassy side of Rachel that was on display for all to see on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

First, I have really enjoyed hanging around the Henderson household. You guys have showed me so much hospitality and have made me feel like part of the family and I appreciate that greatly! Second, Jon Logan needed to be on his A game. There is always next year. ;)

The Hendersons said...


Joel said...

Rachel, as a member of Team Henderson, I would like to extend to you an honorary membership, in recognition of your sharp wit and commitment to awesome. Way to be totally flippin' sweet!

Anonymous said...

I was abused....JEFF!

Joel said...

Jon, dude, seriously, your comment is making me laugh, and probably will continue to make me laugh all day! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Joel! I will take your membership! I did show up at your parents house last night at about 9pm and they fed me dinner. I guess when you can just knock on someones door and they feed you right away, you must share some allegiance.