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May 1, 2008

Julie Month

Yay! It's Julie Month!

What is Julie Month you ask?

We used to celebrate Julie's birthday on May 7th. Then, once we had kids she realized that Mother's Day was the same week as her birthday. So, she expanded the celebration into Julie Week!

That lasted a few years.. until she realized she could 'work us' for the entire month of May - and announced that May would now be known as 'Julie Month'.

Just so you know - Julie jumped out of bed this morning with a beaming smile on her face. Yes - it's Julie Month. Let the festivities begin.


julie said...

I so LOVE Julie month!! You guys are the best. I feel loved.

Joel said...

YAY Mom!!!!

Lurinda said...

What a concept! Well enjoy Julie month! You totally rock! Have a great one, I look forward to hearing all about it. p.s. Think it will fly with my family???? Not!