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May 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Julie - Part II

We had a great little get together for Julie last weekend in celebration of her birthday/Mother's Day. Hannah was able to make it back from school - which was pretty cool because finals are upcoming and so it was nice to see her before that all started.

Another 'cool' thing about the evening was the dessert. Rachel (you saw her in the pool below.. now see her on dry land - posing with Julie and her masterpiece) asked me a week or so before the party what Julie's favorite dessert is. I had told her that we had this great ice cream extravaganza when we were in Hawaii last fall. She told me 'send me a picture!'... and off she went to re-create it especially for Julie. How sweet is that?

Well - you be the judge on how she did (we think she did fab-u-lous!!). The top picture is the dessert we had at the Hula Grill on Maui. A macademia nut brownie ice cream sandwich slathered with yummy raspberry sauce and topped with whipped cream and a mint leaf. The bottom picture is Rachel's version! It amazed and thrilled us all.

And.. Julie got some great gifts.. which will be mentioned again in my next post!


julie said...

All I can say is YUMMY!!

julie said...

Ok that is weird. I'm wearing the same shirt in both birthday blogs. The first picture was years ago!! It must be my favorite.