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May 9, 2008

A Question

Do you ever have thoughts that come to you and then keep recurring? Keep rattling around in your brain? Popping up at random times? Pestering you?

For the last few months I have had a recurring thought - a question really - that started as a visitor inside my brain - but seems to have put down roots and taken up residence.

Here's the question: "if not YOU. who?"

The first time I can distinctly remember being confronted with the thought was when I was out for a walk. I recall being distracted by some garbage on the ground; disturbed at the person who had so thoughtlessly littered. I wondered 'just WHO did they think was going to clean up after them?'. And then the thought came percolating up... 'if not YOU, who?'.

Perhaps, in some simple way - that person had created an opportunity for me to do something. Give something. Provide some small act of kindness to a world that desperately could use it. And in that moment, the question demanded a response; me? or someone else? So, I reached down, picked it up and carried it along until I passed the next garbage can - where I unceremoniously deposited it. In that one moment I chose me. And I thought that was the end of it.

Instead - the thought started popping into my head all too often. Who was going to make the pot of coffee at work? or phone someone with encouragement? or say hello to the stranger on the street? or show interest in someone's day? or put gas in the car? or talk to a co-worker who seems distracted by worry? or make the date plans?

If not me? who?

So, over the last few months my mindset has slowly transformed from expecting that others would be the one... to acknowledging that I am provided these opportunities to give something of myself to others - and acting on it.

I admit - Santa Clara does not appear any different to the naked eye - I assure you. But, while thinking about the imperceptible impact I was having.. another question popped into my head.

What would be the accumulated impact of many people asking themselves the same question?

And the answer I gave myself was .. I don't know.. but it's an interesting question!

So.. I ask you. If not YOU? who?

Is there something that has come to your attention today? That perhaps has escaped anyone else's attention? Except yours? That would require only modest effort on your part to do? If so.. would you consider responding? acting on it?

I don't know if that question will haunt you like it has me - and lead to any changes. But - I figure it was worth asking. After all.. if I didn't ask you the question.. who was going to?

If, on the off chance this question impacts your life.. I would love to hear your story. Please feel free to comment on this entry to share your story.

1 comment:

~joanne said...

What a great reminder, that we should take the moments that are given us!