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July 13, 2008

Hannah Montana Timberlake Henderson's Birthday!

Happy birthday to Hannah who celebrated her 19th Saturday.. and today.. and tomorrow!!

It seems such a short time ago that she was just our little girl! Time passes much too quickly. Now, she's grown into a wonderful, talented, caring adult!

Saturday we started the festivities with a breakfast at IHOP (Hannah's Fav). The surprise was Hannah's outfit. She was styling and profiling in her cheetah skin dress! I think she definitely got the attention of the other IHOP guests! Her friends and family really enjoyed it too. Of course, it was really Julie's 'fault' because Hannah just had to wear the cheetah when Julie started the morning by giving Hannah the Cheetah Tiara!

Taylor and Courtney also got Hannah the very cool Hannah Montana night shirt she modeled for us later! How cute is Hannah?!

The afternoon was spent at the mall scoping out new purses.. and the Los Altos art and wine festival - enjoying the art and getting a toe ring. The girls had a great time. Then, it was home for dinner and a Hannah favorite - an ice cream cake from Baskin 'n Robbins!

The evening ended with moving watching and just hanging out with her friends.

I know she has more planned during the week... but it was a great day and we loved having the opportunity to share it with her. We love you Hannah!


~joanne said...

You Go Girl! What I really want to know is...where do you get your wild streak?....is it the Henderson side or the Rexford side....it's kind of a toss up the way I see it!!

Joel said...

Way to be 19, Hannah!

julie said...

Happy birthday Hannah! Where does she get her wild side? I will say two words....Grandma Elsie. They pose and dress the same!! In one picture you can actually see Hannah's tattoo.

~joanne said...

What was I thinking....of course!

Lurinda said...

Happy Birthday Hannah! By the way, Uncle Jon would like to know what your tattoo is. Have your dad use his new camera to take a close up for him. We want to see all the details. Tod, put the camera to work!