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July 14, 2008

HJ-112 Rest in Peace

by Joel Henderson

Friends, family, colleagues,

I am very sad to report that my Omron HJ-112 passed away this morning. It was really hot yesterday, and Carissa and I thought it'd be fun to play around in the chicken fountain on campus. Well, the splashing got a little more vigorous than either of us had anticipated, and unfortunately my pedometer became a casualty of war. I didn't even notice I had lost it until we got back to my apartment.

We drove back to campus on our way over to her apartment, and there I found it, bobbing, face down in the fountain.

We tried to revive it, and it came to off and on throughout the rest of the evening. However, this morning, after walking with it to work, it officially died at 8:08AM PST. May it rest in peace. It was a faithful and supportive friend, who was always there to encourage me and keep me motivated. It never judged me, just told me the honest truth, and it is now in a far better place. I am sad to see it go, but I'm also confident that there are others out there that will be just as kind and loving as this one was.

And so we raise our glasses together and remember a dear friend. To the Omron HJ-112; may you now count the steps of saints and angels.


The Hendersons said...

My Omron is weeping right now as it reads your most touching words. Bless you for your kind remembrance.

Joel said...

Thanks for posting my eulogy, padre. The pedometer world lost a good one this morning. The steps I'm hand-counting today will be dedicated to it's honor.

julie said...

You two need a life!!!!

The Hendersons said...

OMG - and I am not even a little bit kidding.. but my pedometer just started flashing its battery low warning. I think the shocking news drained it of its will to live.

How sad!

The Hendersons said...

Joel - your fingers must be getting sore ;)

Anonymous said...

We (Aunt Jan and her HJ-112) will keep you and yours in my prayers at this time of loss. I am very sorry for your loss. I can only imagine the terrible loss this must be for you. I shed a single tear for you.

P.S. I agree with Julie.

The Hendersons said...


where did you lay the HJ to rest? i would like to visit and show my respect when we come to visit.

~joanne said...

Okay this is my thought....take the screw out of the back or battery cover, put your hairdryer pointed in there and dry it out good. Like CPR for a HJ-112... you might have to purchase a new battery too! Keep us posted...

Joel said...

The HJ-112 hasn't been buried yet, but there is a tentative service planned for tomorrow or Friday evening. We have a small plot of dirt next to our apartment, so I was thinking that would make a good resting place for the little guy.

~joanne said...

You aren't going to try CPR? Why does it say 'our' Apartment?

Joel said...

Aunt Joanne, it clearly says in the eulogy that we (meaning Carissa and I, and Carissa happens to be a registered ER nurse) tried to revive the Omron HJ-112 that night, but any resuscitation just wouldn't take. So now we need to just let it rest in peace, you know, give it wings (that one's for you, madre). And I said "our apartment" because I've moved in with a roommate (good friend of mine named Colin, not Carissa, so no one freak out. We're not quite there just yet :D)

Anonymous said...

I think for Aunt Joanne's sake we need a picture:)

~joanne said...

Is 'Colin' code for Carissa? ;) I know Uncle Steve could fix it....he can fix anything!...but you just go ahead and let it rest in peace.

Joel said...

update: I just got my new Omron HJ-112 this morning. It was actually waiting for me on my desk when I got to work! Woo hoo...no more hand counting my steps! My head was getting so full of numbers it was starting to make me feel woozy :P I guess you never really know sometimes what you take for granted until you pedometer drowns.

The Hendersons said...

joel - best wishes with p2. keep it high and dry.

love ya.