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December 21, 2010

Congratulations Evan and Julie

Our most heartfelt congratulations go out to Evan and Julie Winslow who were married Sunday!  I'm only going to publish a head shot since I haven't had the chance to inquire from the bride and groom how sensitive they feel about pictures being posted.  So - perhaps more will come soon (we will see them in a couple days).  But, this event couldn't go unhearalded.

Here's to the quite lovely bride and groom.

The color palette was pink, orange and yellow (or some variation thereof ;)).  The setting was quite unique in that the guests were seated at their tables throughout the service and reception.  This turned out to be a significant blessing because the weather in the LA area was in a word - drenching - all weekend.  The table decorations were simple, elegant and gorgeous.

You could tell from the beginning of the service through its climax that God was the featured guest and passion of the two celebrants.  It was deeply touching to hear the official's encouragement as well as Evan and Julie's personalized vows to model their marriage after Christ and His church.  What a solid foundation for the days, weeks and years to come for these two newlyweds.

I'd be remiss if I didn't say that this was a bittersweet celebration. My dear friend, and Julie's mother wasn't able to attend due to her passing 9 years ago.  That realization crippled my emotions at times. There were many private tears shed throughout the weekend, during the proceedings, and as pictures of her were interspersed with pictures of Julie and Evan projected onto screens during the reception slideshow. I find that it is a really, really bad idea to lock eyes with Julie during these tender moments.  However, it is reassuring to know that she is truely content where she is and that her beautiful daughter was able to follow on in her tradition of marrying loving, godly men.  What more could she have hoped for?