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December 30, 2010

TH2 Palo Alto Day

I'm letting go of trying to post events in order of occurrence.  I will get back to Christmas sometime soon.. but for now let me tell you about TH2's day in Palo Alto today. 

Julie and I remember what it's like to be new parents (vaguely, dimly.. but we do remember).  It's a tiring, challenging role and new parents deserve some TLC every once in awhile.  So, we offered Joel and Carissa a little break time while we watched Ryan.  We were pleased that they took us up on the offer.  Ryan loves to cruise.  Julie and I love to walk.  So - we're a good fit.  Off we went.

Here's Ryan in the Bear Sweater that Hannah got him for Christmas inspecting a water fountain.  He loved the visual play as well as the sounds it was making.  He was mesmerized.

Next, he insisted we take him to the Apple store.  Well, you don't have to ask me twice.  Off we went.  I got a little weepy when Julie rolled him into the store.

After walking around some more we joined back up with Joel and Carissa for some lunch.  There's a place on University Ave aptly named SLIDER.  Joel loved the concept and ordered these three beauties;  cheeseburger, chicken and Kobe beef sliders.

Julie loves the pulled pork sliders with 'slaw.  And the sweet potato fries are her absolute favorite!

Ryan loved the table ;)

 After lunch we did a little more walking/browsing.  Here's TH2 reunited.

There's a great bookstore in PA that was started in 1935.  Carissa and Julie enjoyed exploring.  It's not a shock they're in the Children's section in the picture below.

A family picture near the fountain was next up.

This is the kind of day that makes Julie smile.  And that's the best kind of day there is.

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