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February 27, 2011

Last Room

This is the last room you're going to have to read about us renovating!  I can sense your relief already.

We're actually long past due in reworking our master bath.  It was sooooo disgusting!  I didn't even take a before picture.  You can thank me later.

I give full credit to the folks that put the shower in that I just yanked out.  They put that puppy in to last.  But after applying a crowbar, hammer and liberal use of a sledge - it's gone.

Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, there's been some water damage to the floor.  So, I'll have to figure that out next. 

Now, while was in the bathroom spending hours in demolition - my gorgeous wife mowed the lawn.  That's a job I usually do and it was looking like it needed to be done.  I was so grateful when I heard the roar of that little two-stroke engine; with Julie behind the controls.  How sweet is she!

Okay - more when we get a little further along.


~joanne said...

Julie is that visor from Shipse?

Can't wait to see the finished look!

julie said...

I love that visor!! I had no idea Tod was taking pictures. I"m looking rough!!