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February 16, 2011

What Could You Accomplish in 20 Billion Hours?

I want you to fantasize with me for just a couple minutes.  Imagine you were given 20 Billion hours a year which you could use to accomplish anything you desire for society.  What would you do?   Almost anything seems possible doesn't it? 

Would you like to give each and every person on the planet a relaxing, soul-invigorating 3 hour massage?  You'd have the time.

What about providing free babysitting to each single mother on the planet so they could take a two week vacation?  You could do it.

Want to beautify every city in America?  There are only 30,000 or so cities.  You'd have over 650,000 hours to clean up, plant gardens and paint murals in every single one.

In fact, it seems almost ridiculous to imagine that some amazing and fabulous things wouldn't be accomplished doesn't it?

I'd love to hear some of your ideas.


Joel said...

That's the equivalent of over 2 million years. Many people believe that's a grand total of all of human history. I think a better question might be what wouldn't you do.

~joanne said...

Does it have to be for Society?...or for yourself? Is money an object?

I'd like 2, to start out...finish my back porch (seems it might take 30 Billion hours) AND get my whole house organized (seems that might take 30 Billion too!)

I'd like to do Orphanage work...but really, would that take 20 Billion hours or just a different focus?