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March 21, 2011

Tim and Barbara

Wow... this post is really, really late!  So, I won't keep you waiting... here's the best picture Julie took ;)  Does that look like a happy family or what?

It was an honor to be a groomsman in Tim's wedding.  What a great opportunity to watch the ceremony up close and personal and to stand next to one of my best friends in the world as he started a new phase in his life.  And it looks like Tim and Barbara were happy to get it started. 

One of my favorite moments - amongst all the wonderful moments - was walking Grandma G in and out of the ceremony to her seat of honor.  Here we are at the reception having a moment.  During the rehearsal I was cracking up as I threatened to twirl her as we walked down the aisle and out of the sanctuary following the service.  She was game during the rehearsal - and fast on her feet. But I was a perfect gentleman during the ceremony ;)

Congratulations to Tim and Barbara.  I hope she knows that when she marries Tim she gets us in the package deal.  Now how much would you pay??


Anonymous said...

Well now; how could I not make this a picturesque event...I had the most talented likeness' in the shoes of, seemingly,Gene Kelly and Freddie Astaire, right at the end of my fingertips. This demanded my true self,in the image of Ginger Rogers.I was twirled off the "dance floor" as it were, of the White Wedding carpet, Being twirled through the Great Doors of the Church! ...Was it fun? You have to know, Yes, Yes it was!

Anonymous said...

What a way to clebrate The beautiful wedding of two beautiful
people whom we love...
Tim and Barbara

Thank you Tod Henderson
a true gentelman

Anonymous said...

This is such fun!
Does ggg mean Anonymous...
ya think!!!?


What's wrong with this picture? Not to worry, I'm getting it... Ijust took a cup of prozak ;)

Tod Henderson said...

Hahaha! Oh my Team Henderson. GGG is in the house! Sweeeeet!!