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July 18, 2011

Tonight in Santa Clara

I finished the book I've been reading the other day so when I went out for a walk tonight I grabbed my camera in hopes of finding something to shoot.  Here's my walk in chronological order.  Santa Clara did not disappoint.

Beside my driveway the Agapanthas are blooming and beautiful.

Around the corner is this beautiful tree.  I'm not exactly sure what type of tree it is - but it explodes for a couple weeks a year with these gorgeous purple bouquets!

As I approached the Central Park gazebo I started hearing some music blaring from the speakers.  I went to investigate and found a crowd had gathered to enjoy some ethnic entertainment.

In this case.. it was belly dancers!

Here's a possible future performer getting in some practice.

There were also some beautiful animals along the way.  Check out this greyhound enjoying the performance with his owner.

As I was walking away from the gazebo I saw this couple out for a walk.  Check out the man's left shoulder.

When I got a little closer I realized he didn't have just one bird on his shoulder - but two.  Check out the little guy on his right side.   That's him.

After leaving the park I headed back home.  I passed this lonely swing in the front yard of one of our neighbors;  just waiting for tomorrow and more fun.

And as I came round the corner for the home stretch I snapped these.  The palm trees were hanging on to the last bit of light while swaying in the breeze.

Santa Clara on a Monday night.  Can't hardly wait to go walking tomorrow night.


~joanne said...

that purple tree is gorgeous!! I want one.
Wondering why there are one of each tree and 6 of the belly dancers?

julie said...

Love the bird on a leash. Santa Clara rocks!!

Andrea said...

The dog just had her teeth cleaned on Friday. Her name is Sandy.

The Hendersons said...

i thought her smile looked particulary bright!