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October 30, 2008

Halloween Embarrassment

So, I come in to work this morning to find a t-shirt with a Michigan emblem on my chair and a note that says "wear this".

Hmm.. what's up? I wonder. But since no one was lurking around I thought little of the request and went to work.

Later in the morning I hear a clearing of the throat.. and turn.. and what do I see?

3 of me. Yes, my colleagues decided I was going to participate in the annual costume contest at work because their costume was to be 'the guy with the glasses that walks around with no shoes on holding the UC berkeley mug talking about Michigan - and reading books while he walks'.

Yeah - that would be me.

Sheesh. Just ask Julie how 'excited' I would have been about this. NOT! But, they obviously had gone to some effort so I didn't want to be a spoil sport. So, I donned the t-shirt.. grabbed my mug and book.. and off to the contest we went to be judged in front of many of my co-workers. Oh, Yippee!

Fortunately, we did not 'win'. Thankfully, the judges were very discerning.

I'm told imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I guess I should be happy?????


~joanne said...

Who's the older gentleman on the end??

The Hendersons said...

One of our contracts guys. The ring-leader!

Joel said...

I think I need my eyes checked, cause I'm seeing four of you, padre. Or are those your evil twins you never told me about? I cannot tell which is the real you, you all look so similar! How about you circle yourself in one of the photos; that would be a HUGE help :D

The Hendersons said...

joel - that is just cold!

Anonymous said...

Tod, I think (hope) the question about the older gentlemen on the end pertained to the last picture you posted, and did NOT refer to me (as you did). In that case, the correct answer is Dilbert. Sincerely, The Contracts Guy.

The Hendersons said...

Dan, no, I believe she was referring to the 'older gentleman' in the first couple pictures. that would you be... YOU.. you 'older gentleman' you. Deal with it!

Andrea said...