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September 22, 2009


You haven't heard much about the bathroom project the last couple weeks because Jules has been in tub-hunting mode. As it turns out, you pretty much have to nail down your tub and tub fixtures before you can do much of anything in a bathroom remodel.

One of the issues Jules was facing however is .. 'how do you pick out a tub without laying in one and seeing how it feels?'. Well, that is where Tubz comes in.

Jules found Tubz while perusing web sites trying to find anywhere to look at times in person. Tubz is located in Fremont (in the east bay) in an industrial warehouse type building. And what a jewel it is. There are over 200 bathtubs of all ilks (soaking, whirlpool, bubble, two person, .. and on an on) within their showroom. And, you can take off your shoes and lay down in any of them you want! What a great idea. I dare say if you can't find your tub there.. you just aren't trying.

I didn't think to bring my camera.. bummer.. because it would have been hilarious to show you pictures of Julie laying around in all sorts of tubs to find just the right one to soak in after a long, hard day. I was cracking up.

And the good news! Jules chose a tub! Yay!

Oh.. Tubz also has a host of toilets on display. How funny to have a bunch of people walking down the line sitting on toilet after toilet trying to find just the right throne. This is definitely the most entertaining place to shop I've been to in quite awhile.

The way Tubz works is that you grab a customer service number right when you enter and then you do your own perusing until your number is called. When it was our turn to speak with a customer service person we got the owner. That man definitely has a passion for tubs and toilets. I learned more about the history of the whirlpool tub (he invented the recessed and rotating spray nozzles!) and toilet technology that day than I ever wanted to; especially toilets. Let me cut to the chase for you; buy a Toto. Trust me to have thoroughly evaluated the dirty details and skip the tour yourself.

Once we had the tub selected, pieces just started falling into place. We now have ordered the tub, toilet, fan/light and vanity sink! We already had the vanity picked out, the floor tiles and wood trim selected. So.. we are getting sooo close to ramping up for more action in the bathroom.

Way to go Julie!


~joanne said...

You know Tod...we are ALWAYS good at the shopping part!

Joel said...

They need a store like that, only for knives and swords.

julie said...

You forgot to mention they also had popcorn and cookies! Shopping with snacks! The toilets in the restroom even had a wash and dry cycle!!

The Hendersons said...

I also forgot to mention the kids play area - replete with video games and a big screen tv. Oh, and how about the 'walk in' shower displays. Yep, for those that can't step into a tub.. there's a little door you open - then go in and sit down. All sorts of jets surround you and wash you down. I'm holding out on installing that one for a couple more decades. But, it's good to know they are available.