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May 8, 2010


I went out for a walk this morning.  I made a brief stop at Stan's donuts, then took a dozen over to Julie's office for the folks working today.  Having completed that delivery, I set out for Central Park with a new book and a desire to walk some laps and read.

After a lap or two I decided to go check out the folks playing Lawn Bowling.  I had just started observing the action when my soon to be new friend Jerry caught me gawking.  He zipped right over to me and asked me if I wanted a lesson.  He was so nice and sincere - how could I say no?

Jerry reminds me a lot of Bill.  He is a kind, excited older gentleman who is passionate about what he does.  It seemed impossible to stop and cut bait once I gave an inch.  So, I just gave up and let myself be kidnapped into his world.  He explained that the game was invented in Europe and the British Isles in the 13th century.  It came to the US in 1615 and crossed the continent for the first time in 1901 when a 'green' was built in Golden Gate Park.

The gist of the sport is you throw the 'jack' (the little while ball) down the field and then roll the 'bowls' to see who can get closest to the 'jack'.  The bowls are 'biased' meaning that they are slightly oblong (not spherical) and are weighted slightly higher on one side.  That allows you to make left-to-right and right-to-left throws.

Having explained the basics of the game I challenged Jerry to a short game.  I was thinking I might as well see how I would do.  Each player alternates bowls - throwing 3 at each end.  Jerry started us off.

Then it was my turn.

The player that gets closest to the jack simply picks up the jack and gets ready to roll at the opposite 'end'.  The poor sap that doesn't get closest has to 'rake the bowls' using this PVC contraction on wheels.  You'll note that I had that duty much of the time ;)  The bowls are to be left approximately 3 feet to the right of the 'mat' to avoid tripping over them during play (I was paying attention).

We had a fun time playing for a few minutes and then I begged off to complete my walk.  BTW.. I almost experienced some beginner's luck but Jerry beat me in the end by one! 

Are we really old enough to take up Lawn Bowling???  Yikes!


julie said...

Was this the Grandpa or over 50 league?

Tod Henderson said...

WAY over 50 league!

~joanne said...

Is Lawn Bowling in Ca the same as Shuffleboard in FL??

Is this the same as Bocce Ball?

Tod Henderson said...

Bocce ball is played indoors I believe. And yes... It is California's equivalent of shuffle board!

~joanne said...

We play Bocce Ball outside?? Maybe it was originally started as an inside sport???

The Hendersons said...

i just looked it up. bocce is played outside as well. my bad. and... Happy Mother's Day joanne!

Lurinda said...

Tod, are you joining the geezer games for lawn bowling?