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May 9, 2010

Miscellaneous Stuff

Random stuff to share:

Love this picture of Hannah getting arrested in Berkeley!

She wasn't really getting arrested... as you can probably tell by her laughing.  But, it looks very realistic.  That really is a policeman.  But he's just playing around with her!  Besides, I told her we will pay tuition.. but not BAIL!

Spring Cleanup
Spring requires us to do a lot of yard work.  Check out the pile I generated today.  This is just the result of topping one Oleander bush and hacking back a portion of the overgrown pine tree on our neighbors yard.  I cut up a bunch of it and stuffed our three green buckets.  The rest got stored in the side yard.  It'll take weeks before we'll get rid of it all.  And that's just one small section of the yard! 


~joanne said...


Vicki said...

Have to say it, you Henderson's are a lot of fun!