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July 19, 2010

Half Dome Pictures

Hannah was over last night to play cards and brought along her camera.  We were able to scarf the pictures she took while we were at Yosemite.  Take a look.

We left early!  Here's a deer we saw right next to the trail head feeding her little foal.

Here's Hannah at the top of Vernal Falls.  We were yelling at her to GET OFF THE RAIL!!

Better.  Much better.

That's Nevada Falls behind Hannah.

Julie making her way up to the Falls!

Hannah attempting to get rabies!  Didn't we teach her anything???

Hannah just below the cables!  She made it almost all the way to the top!!

She set her camera on a rock to get this one!  Great job!!

Mom and dad on the way down.  That's Nevada Falls (I think!) behind us.  We took a different way down (the John Muir Trail).

We chose a simply gorgeous day!

Julie and I on the way down!  Almost finished!

My two strong women!

Hannah at the trail head sign... after finishing our hike to the top of Half Dome and back down.  In all we went over 20 miles!!  My pedometer told me 51,300 steps!!


julie said...

The waterfalls were huge this year. Hannah and I even drank the water!!

Lurinda said...

Awesome! Totally different with water. I will have to plan another trip out there, waterfalls in the spring....who would thunk it!

Proud of you for facing your fears!

Love you!