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July 6, 2010

Is She Trying to Kill Me??

Many of you know that I am scared of HEIGHTS!  It's why I very rarely do roller coasters anymore.  It's why I about fainted kissing the Blarney Stone in Ireland.  I just do not like heights - JULIE!

You'd think, then, that when we plan family activities we'd stay - let's say - close to SEA LEVEL.  Hmmm... not my wife.  No no no.   She booked us on a hike up Half Dome in Yosemite a week from saturday.

Just what am I up against?  Check this out!!  Yeah,  that's the rope line up to the summit!  What is not apparent from this ***cropped*** picture is that the mountain rolls off (meaning DOWN!) to the right and left of this image. 

We'll just have to see exactly how far up I go!!  And, in case you're wondering... YES.. I have had a conversation with Joel letting him know how to find and decrypt the 'incaseidie.doc' file on my macbook!


Joel said...

I've made the joke many times that since I like taking pictures of me on the edges of cliffs that the one time I'm not in the picture is the one time I've fallen off and died.

Please try not to make the joke into a new family tradition. I like our more tame traditions like matching pjs at Christmas just fine.

ps - Be sure to give the camera to madre so she can take a picture of your PYP moment.

The Hendersons said...

would that picture be the one you plan to blow up and set next to the casket???

and sweet acroynming. thanks ;)

julie said...

I had no idea what I was signing up for. Very excited but terrified at the same time. I hope they have those Sherpa guys to help me!

Lurinda said...

Oh Bro, I do know just how you are feeling. My good friend, Lori does the same thing. But....I can honestly say this is so much worst. But after you do it you will be so happy in the photo shots you get from up there. Just keep telling yourself...You can do it!!!!

Hannah said...