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September 23, 2010

Indy's Adventure

If you get a chance today, please pray for Indy.  She is going on a little adventure at the animal clinic today.  Surgery.

Indy's got a condition called Bilateral Luxating Patellas.  That's a fancy way of saying that the kneecaps in her hind legs can become or are disjointed.  It's a condition that is common in smaller dogs and correctable through surgery.

Indy's not in too much pain but they did give her a Fentanyl patch for the pain.  You can see it on her leg.  That's why she's sporting that cool head cone; to keep her from nipping at the patch and administering the medication orally.

Julie's a bit anxious about the procedure.  It's always a little risky to put smaller animals under anesthesia but Indy is in really good hands and we pray she will be just fine.

After the surgery she's not going to be able to sleep with her friend Gina for awhile.  She'll be immobile for a few days so we'll be keeping her in a kennel with lots of warm and soft blankets where she can recuperate in peace.  Gina will miss her.

Jack Bauer is gonna miss having a play friend.  Indy and Jack are constantly teasing and chasing each other around the house and yard.  It's going to be rough for Jack to not have that companionship.  Hopefully, in a few days things will be back to normal.   (BTW... did you notice how Jack has one droopy ear?  That's why I call him 1Up!).

We all wish Indy a safe surgery and fast recovery!

1 comment:

julie said...

Home tonight with Indy. She did really well. Now I just have to keep her quiet for a month!!