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February 2, 2011

Funny Gall Bladder Story

I meant to share this earlier while Julie was having her surgery.  Before it gets too late - I'll do it now.

Several of our family and friends have been through gall bladder surgery and shared with Julie and I their stories.  While they were all interesting and helpful, here's my favorite.  This was sent to us by our friend Nancy Schlink (that's her with Julie baking in our kitchen):

.... I would add one thing to her instructions in case the doctors didn't specify.... tell her that she should not push a car after surgery! :) Why would I suggest that you say!?!?!? Let's just say I had to get re-stitched up the week after surgery and that wasn't exactly pleasant :) .... lesson learned.... :)
To which I replied "you needed instructions not to push a car?  seriously??".
To which she replied:
well you know.... i'm not much for sitting around and i had to go back to classes up at UCD so i went ....and when my car broke down in the middle of the parking lot, i had to push it so i didn't get run into.... that was before the day of the cell phone remember, and yes i am that old! i have a pretty high tolerance for pain but literally busting my gut in the parking lot was not exactly something i'd like to do again :) i'm sure julie is smarter than me, but i just thought i'd throw my cautionary tale in for good measure :)


julie said...

bring the tweets back :)

~joanne said...

okay...moving past the GB surgery...

Peter said...

Wow, that Nancy is quite the gal!