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June 6, 2008

Elsie: Harley Babe

Her name is Elsie. Her fame is riding hogs. That's right - Grandma Elsie is an 82 year old hard core Harley babe.

As grandma will tell you - the attraction to the machine is a physical thing. I experienced this first hand when I joined Elsie at a recent graduation ceremony she attended.

As she told me in an interview for this article "it hits me the first time I see a hog glimmering in the sunshine. I am immediately drawn to the machine. It's graceful lines. That's when I know I have to be near it. Touch it. Feel it. Sometimes I'll just slowly approach the bike - like a dance. But, eventually, I'll need to have that feel of polished steel up against me".

At first that seems to satisfy her. To quench her thirst. However, as this interviewer found out... that is only the beginning.

"From the moment I lean against one of those glorious machines - it starts a chain reaction deep within me. I know, right at that moment, that it is only a matter of time before I need to have the feel of its rumbling engine underneath me" she goes on to say - unapologetically.

"Some have called it an addiction. But I prefer to think of it as a life long love affair. A constant, smoldering, ember that from time to time flares into a burning need for speed. For the feel of unbridled horsepower beneath me. As I approach 83 - I can honestly say that that fire burns just as strongly now as it did years ago.'

As she donned a helmet before taking her most recent ride with her grandson John she confided to me, "I am very fortunate. John understands me. Accepts me. He doesn't judge me the way some people who don't understand might" she goes on to say.

John, who asked that his last name not be disclosed for fear that other older harley babes might descend on his location - explains it like this. "It's almost a religious experience to ride with Elsie. You can tell that, for her, it is a form of worship. At times she gets so lost in the moment - feeling the machine vibrating below her - the air rushing past her. It allows her to connect with a higher being in a way that is rare - and beautiful. Often, she'll just raise her arms in pure joy. I am blessed to be a part of her life. I truly appreciate those times where we get together.. strap on some leather - and just ride. It is cathartic for both of us."

As Elsie is quick to say, "Yes, feeling that horsepower below me makes me think of Glory. I believe there is a God. And, I believe there is a Heaven with streets of gold and mansions for those that believe in Him and accept Him as Savior. Just like the Bible says. And, personally, I believe that inside the garage of my mansion is a bright, gleaming hog. Just waiting for me to ride for eternity. This is a love affair that will never end."


~joanne said...

It's like a Harlequin novel!

Anonymous said...

My gut hurts from laughing. I love the writing. You could write a Harlequin! Shouldn't this story have an "R" rating? Glad to read life is still exciting in your 80's!