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August 10, 2009

Geezer Games II

It’s an unexpected pleasure to report that I was able to continue my interview with Senior Games spectator Lurinda shortly after our previous discussion.

If you haven't yet read part 1 of our interview please start with: Geezer Games part 1.

Already read it? Then please enjoy part two of our discussion.

L: ‘Hey there, hang on a second’, Lurinda shouts as I am departing from our previous discussion.

THB: Welcome back. I’m pleased to continue our discussion; but aren’t you needed on the field?

L: It’s complicated to explain, but in simple terms the various medications I’m taking combined with the strong California sun caused someone I lovingly refer to as ‘little Lurinda’ to call for me. (Editor note: at this point the interviewee is referring to the voices she hears on a recurring basis inside her head) As it turns out, I wasn’t really needed. It happens.

THB: Wow! Can you tell me, does this happen to many of the players?

L: Hmmm. I’d say it affects more than have had knee surgery and far less than are incontinent; just to book-end it for you in raw numbers.

THB: Now, moving on. Can you tell me if there are any special accommodations that are made in the rules to address the older nature of the players?

L: Why, yes there are. For instance, to avoid contact at the plate, runners simply need to pass a line drawn near the plate before the catcher successfully catches the ball while standing on home plate.

THB: That makes perfect sense. I’m sure it greatly reduces injury. Giving that these games are being played at the center of technology development here in Silicon Valley, could you tell our readers what role technology innovation plays in the game?

L: Technology changes play an important part in this game. At times, these changes are great for the game. A good example is the aluminum bat; a wonderful addition to the game. However, sometimes the rules can’t keep up with technology.

THB: Please explain.

L: Well, as you know, the Senior Nationals' rule book allows for players to wear Depends under their uniforms. It’s an essential part of the senior game. However, as technology has improved, allowing the Depends to become more absorbent, the rules have lagged. Rule allowing only one change of uniform (a euphemism for changing Depends) per game is woefully outdated. It’s slowing down the entire game; both offensively and defensely. That’s why when you hear our coaches yelling they will be heard saying “Run’ or 'get it'; not ‘GO!’. We don’t want to inadventantly cause additional problems. This whole issue is definitely something that needs to be re-visited before the 2011 games in Houston.

THB: I see. Well, it truly has been interesting having this chance to talk. I will you and your team all the best in the competition.

L: It’s been a pleasure. Now, who are you again?

1 comment:

~joanne said...

you missed your calling...