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March 7, 2010

The Coastal Trail

Saturday turned out to be a glorious date day for Team Henderson.  We decided to team up with Team Love You (Jon and Rachel) and they shared with us some of their beautiful city (they live in San Francisco).

They introduced us to the Coastal Trail - a walking trail that meanders along the west side of San Francisco from the Sutro Baths to China Beach.  The remnants of the Sutro Baths don't do the original facility justice. Once a 3 acre indoor bath (swimming) house containing 7 individual pools - each the size of a football field - it is now just some old concrete walls and pipes.  (BTW.. that's the famous Cliff House restaurant in the background).

The trail follows the coast in a northeast direction - drawing walkers (and the occasional runner) towards the Golden Gate Bridge.  It's getting close to Spring here and the trees and plants were stunning.

It's about 3 miles down the trail before you get back into the San Francisco streets. And, the area you come into is quite stunning.  We were checking out the homes along the coast trying to determine which one we wanted to buy.  I was partial to one that was listed for $11.5M.  A nice little 4 story built into a cliff overlooking the Golden Gate.  Sweet.

Here are our partners in crime hanging just above China Beach (down and to the right of the picture).

The view of the bridge from the coast is spectacular.

After our walk we dined at a Mediterranean restaurant; feasting heartily.  The company and conversation were equally pleasant - as was the food!  It was a great day out in our beautiful city by the bay!


Jon Logan said...

Great Pics!

~joanne said...

What a nice day in CA!

BTW...I think we ate at the Cliff House when we went out to CA in 1980 to visit Aunt Linda!??

Joel said...

Nice face, JT. Really becomes you.

Hannah said...

thanks for inviting me....

The Hendersons said...

joanne - julie was saying the same thing on saturday! i've never been.

Rachel said...

Duuude! Great pictures!! That one of the bridge is awesome! Such a fun day! Glad we burned all those calories before I inhaled all that baba ghanoush! I bought an eggplant today! Makin my own! Woo!

The Hendersons said...

Thanks rach! I should have posted about how you scarfed down that gan-noosh! You were ravenous! ;)

The Hendersons said...

BTW ... Rach... You can include HTML in your comments .. To get practice if you want to!

Joel said...

EVERYtime I hear the word baba ghanoush I think of MXC. Hilarious!

BTW - how do you code underline? Is it "a" or "u"? I tried the "u" and it wouldn't let me.

The Hendersons said...

hey joel - many browsers discourage the use of underlining - because it is used to represent hyperlinks in HTML. your instincts were correct. if it was supported it would be a U.

funny.. as I was putting this comment together i included a HTML tag for underline as an example... and this is the error I got when I tried to submit the comment:

Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not allowed: U

Mystery solved!

Joel said...

I got the same error message; that's why I had to put the letters in quotes and not in the <> symbols in my comment.

BTW2 - what is the "a" code for?

Tod Henderson said...

joel - The 'a' tag defines an anchor.

An anchor is most often used to create a reference to another document (using the href attribute). For instance, when I embed an image within the blog.. it is done (by Blogger) using an A tag and href attribute. So, think of the A as a link or a hyperlink.

Just for completeness.. you can also use it to create a bookmark inside a document (by using the name attribute). Not relevant here.

The Hendersons said...

so.. joel.. say you want to include a Link to a picture in a comment.. you could do this:

Steve and Joanne!

The Hendersons said...

btw.. the reason that I included a LINK to an image instead of the image itself... drum roll... BLOGGER doesn't allow use of the IMG (image) tag!!

Lurinda said...

Great Pics! I am wishing I was closer so I could join you. Looks beautiful....esp like the bridge pic! Next time I visit you need to take me to that view! Awesome!

The Hendersons said...

thanks sis for the kind words. i noticed i did a crappy job cropping the bridge pic; on the side with the home. i reworked it and re-posted. i think it looks a lot better.