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March 28, 2010

You're Just A Bunch of Tee Shirts To Burn

Julie and I took some of our friends to a Rascal Flatts concert some time back. The warm up act was a fairly new country music star you might have heard of - Taylor Swift.  At the time I didn't know much about her or her music.  So, I went to iTunes and downloaded her album to tune-up (pun intended) on her music before the concert.

What I learned is that it didn't pay to be Taylor's boyfriend.  Because, when the inevitable break-up occurred you could be sure to pay the price by being the subject of one of her songs; like her hit Just Another Picture to Burn

Hannah took a page out of Taylor's playbook after a particular disappointing breakup over Spring Break week (let's just say she was Tiger'd).   Corbanna is no more.  To give you a sense of how she's feeling... here's how she spent her Friday afternoon.  In the (slightly modified) words of Taylor Swift:

So watch me strike a match
On all my wasted time
As far as I’m concerned,
You’re just a bunch of t-shirts to burn.        (In this case... old Corbett t-shirts!!)

Burn, burn, burn, baby burn.


Hannah said...

This CLEARLY has not only started a new bloggie category but has already WON!

Joel said...

Glad to see pyro tendencies run in the fam.

~joanne said...

Hannah you are always so subtle!

Hannah said...

Just trying to be forward with my feelings! It's not healthy to keep it all in!

Rachel said...

Way to go Hannah! Let it out woman!