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March 9, 2010

Grandpa Practice

Meet the Troika.  That's the nickname I gave Tram (momma) while she was going through pregnancy - carrying her twins. Tram and Jason are two of the wonderful people we have been blessed to have in our One Another Group (Bible Study Group).   It's been fun to have the chance to get to know them a little bit over the last year or so.  And, we certainly have been in a state of anticipation as their due date drew near.

Well, as you can see - the Troika are now Tram and her beautiful twins: Natalie and Evan.  This is Tram shortly after their birth (that's Evan with all the hair!).

When I saw Tram at church on Sunday I was really excited - because that meant that the babies were in the nursery!  I raced over to the nursery and was not disappointed.  There, in her mothers arms was lovely Natalie.  Tram was so thoughtful to let me hold Natalie and finish feeding her a bottle.  Sweet!!

Here's the amazing face that looked up at me as I held her.   What a privilege to get a little grandpa training in!  Thank you so much Tram (and Jason) for sharing your gift from God with me Sunday!  You are appreciated!

I'm getting practiced up for you Ryan!!


Janice said...

Those babies are precious! I used to love working in the nursery and getting my baby fix. Holding other people's babies is the best--you get to hand them back when you are done:)

julie said...

They are the cutest. It is hard to remember ours ever being that small.

The Hendersons said...

wow... i was wondering what was keeping you all from commenting on this post. jealous???