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December 23, 2008

Admissions of a Fiction Writer

Dear readers, I have recently come to believe that there is something very important that you need to know about me. Something that might be difficult, at first, for you to accept and understand. Something that might be hard to hear. However, in this most Holy of seasons; at this time when redemption came down to live among us; I feel empowered that I can find love and support amidst the truth.

Nation, I am a fiction writer.

In simple terms; in words that convey clearly; I acknowledge that not everything you read on this blog is entirely truthful. And in the spirit of reaching across the aisle to my non-fiction loving friends - I apologize to you.

Now, you may be saying to yourself 'characters don't matter'. I know. We heard that alot a few years ago. But, I am taking this opportunity to tell you that characters do matter. I concede that what we say about our fellow family members and friends means something.

Case in point 1: Think of the Skipper you were introduced to in my last post. Now, there is something you should know. Skipper isn't a black puppy. Yes, your mind is questioning, blown away by this revelation. Yet, I have proof. The real Skipper, is, in fact, the miniature Schnauzer pictured here.

Case in point 2: Skipper does not smoke. Many of you are prejudiced against smokers. So, it totally changes your attitudes to know that he doesn't. Admit it.

The bottom line is that when I invoke artistic license with Skipper.. or any of the subjects of my posts - by conjuring gross fantasies based on them; When I concoct improbable lore from incredible bore; When I infringe an individual's integrity for my own personal pleasure - for the pure excitement of spinning the tale for - you - my reader - I hurt Skipper. And, in the end.. I hurt myself. Because you can no longer trust that what I say is true.

Therefore, I am considering a New Year's resolution. Perhaps it is time to incorporate true journalistic integrity into my work. Perhaps it is time that facts trump fiction (see Maggy.. aren't you glad you know what trump is now?).

Indeed, a new day has come.


Joel said...

Another golden nugget coated in chocolate sarcasm! Ummmmmm, tastes good!

The Hendersons said...

You get me!

Joel said...

Of course I do! Who started this whole thing way back when he was in Ireland and would regale you with embellished stories of wild Celtic adventures? This guy! padre, I totally get you!

~joanne said...

Why don't you help Julie Christmas shop?

The Hendersons said...

because we're done! boo-yah!!

Joel said...

Aunt Joanne, do you think Christmas shopping will stop padre from blogging? He has an iPod Touch; he can blog from anywhere while doing anything! He could post minute-by-minute updates on how their shopping is going if he really wanted to. The possibilities are endless with an iPod Touch!

~joanne said...

Let's just call him....iTod....

Joel said...

Nothing would please padre more!

The Hendersons said...
