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February 15, 2009

Giving New Meaning to 'Wingmen'

Julie and I were watching some TV yesterday when we noticed a weird sound coming from the TV. So, we turned the sound down and low and behold the sound didn't go away. Instead, it was now more distinct! We raced to the door.. ran outside.. and looked up to see the following:

The sound we heard was hundreds of crows screaming as they were flying. We watched the huge pack of birds while trying to figure out what in the world was going on. They were clearly purposeful in their flight.. as they chased across the sky. However, we couldn't quite understand just exactly what they were up to.

Suddenly, we saw a hawk (we think) fly by with a crow in its talons. The victim's friends were all rallying to its aid - chasing the perpetrator all over the sky! At one point the hawk settled into the tree just behind our house (see below).. with all the crows circling and trying to aid their friend.

I'm not sure it did any good. But it was a very interesting sight to behold.


~joanne said...

Do you think my friends would do that for me??

The Hendersons said...

definitely!! We would ALL chase down a hawk for you!