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February 12, 2009

Crazy Idea

This is the kind of idea you come up with when you sit in meetings all day and wish you were elsewhere.

I got to thinking about the budget crisis and the stimulus plan and all. I know. I know. No one wants to think about that. I get it.

But - here's my unique plan to rescue the nation. So, listen up.

At the present time the US Cabinet has 16 members (the VP + 15 Department Heads). I say that is wayyyyy too few!

My logic? Note that pretty much everyone recently nominated to the Cabinet has a significant outstanding (past) tax liability. Further, they will likely be increasing their future tax payments now that they actually understand that they are expected (at least for the public's sake) to pay taxes.

Here's my idea.. increase the Cabinet size ... to say... 1 million people. By the time the vetting process completes.. they should have coughed up hundreds of billions of dollars of unpaid taxes; with the prospects of another few hundred billion in future (accurate) payments.

If you think that might be just a few too many... perhaps as an alternative... we could simply nominate the 1 million people to the still unfilled seats... let them catch up on their tax payments as they go through the vetting process.. then reject them.

Thus, the other 300 Million of us will be saved the drama.

Your thoughts? ... while I get back to work ;)


Vicki said...

I think you need to step outside and get some fresh air!!!

The Hendersons said...

wouldn't that be nice... several hours left... just wait for what I come up with next.

Joel said...

I like the way you're thinking outside the box, though knowing you're a Republican makes it ironic to read you advocating large government ;D

The Hendersons said...

Not registered as a Republican, Joel. Actually, registered as an Independent. Although, my leanings would be strongly in the Libertarian camp.

Joel said...

my bad.

The Hendersons said...

you are correct though.. I am FOR limited federal government ;) and free markets ;)

oops... 0 for 2 there! these are not necessarily the party years for Libertarians!