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May 9, 2009

Hannah Update - Saturday PM

First off - Hannah took a shower today. That is actually a very big accomplishment - so congrats to her. She is at home now and doing relatively well. The doctors have put her on a lot of pain meds which are helping her to be able to get some sleep and let her body do a bit of healing. That has been a blessing. However, she remains very tired and has a lot of pain so we are working through that.

We did have some time to think through the Berkeley plan. So far, so good. We wait for Hannah to have an hour or so where she is not too foggy from the pain meds and can get some classwork in. We have been helping her during those short windows as much as possible to get projects completed.

One big answer to prayer came today after Hannah emailed the professor of the class that has a Monday final. He is going to allow her to miss the final and base her grades on work that has already been completed. Praise God for that. That saved Hannah 4 chapters of reading and a day of studying - so we are so thankful.

And, Hannah just finished dictating a bunch of papers to me so we will be able to get those out tomorrow.

We will address the two other classes on Monday and see where we are at. Please continue to pray. It is working.

Progress is slow and now Hannah is exhausted. But, we are making progress. We started the day being told by the doctors that Hannah would need to withdraw from this Semester and now have two of the four classes addressed. We just pray for the energy to deal with the remaining two.

More when we know more.

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