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May 8, 2009

Hannah Update

Thanks to all of you that have called and texted regarding Hannah who was admitted to the hospital today to deal with her mono. We really appreciate the calls and visits.

For those that might not have heard here's the story:

hannah has developed a very bad case of Mono and has been struggling to deal with it. she's been to the doctors numerous times and has been through a wide range of modern pharmaceuticals to attempt to deal with this. still, her body is not responding. the lymph nodes first in her neck and now in other places are horribly swollen. this causes a lot of pain, an inability to eat and an inability to sleep.
despite all the efforts we've all made over the last week or so to get this under control so hannah can complete her school year (finals start monday)... she has deteriorated. so, this morning they admitted hannah to the hospital. she is in O'Connor hospital room 5331.

An update as of this evening. Hannah feels pretty good. They have been giving her vicodin for pain and they have had her continuously on fluids. she ate well tonight and for the most part is doing well. that is not unusual - she has rallied several times this week for a few hours after getting steroids (which they gave her this afternoon). so - we are cautiously waiting to see how she responds when the steroids wear off. when i left to come home (julie is spending the night).. she has closed her eyes and appeared to be resting well.

thank you again for all your expressions of concern and caring! it is awesome to have such loving friends and family. we are hopeful that hannah will feel better tomorrow. please continue to pray for her.

i'll write more when we know more.

good night!

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