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June 12, 2009

Congratulations Kristen!

We had the distinct pleasure to attend Kristen Wong's graduation Thursday night at Homestead High School. We've known Kristen and her family since birth and she is definitely one of our favorites! She has an impressive mind and an incredibly playful personality. It is virtually impossible not to smile and enjoy yourself when Kristen is around.

Here's Kristen after walking in and taking her spot in the stands (bottom row waving).

Here's the proud sister and father awaiting the big moment!

It's official! She got her diploma (like it was every in doubt!).

We had a chance to congratulate Kristen after the ceremony. Here's Julie and Kristen.

Did I tell you that Kristen is very creative? Well, check out her cap - decorated in UC Santa Barbara colors!

Here's another shot of the graduate.. and one with her boyfriend Ryan styling and profiling! Congratulations Kristen. We can't wait to hear about your college exploits. We know you will excel in everything you do!

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