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June 6, 2009


While Hannah was at the DeAnza Flea Market - Rachel, apparently, was trying to cut her right arm off! Yes, Rachel got to visit the Stanford Hospital Emergency Room today as a result of a little house-hold accident.

Here's Rachel - in the emergency room, pre-repair, awaiting care!

Sorry folks. I assure you this hurts me as much as it does you - just to have to look at this wound while I create the blog entry. But, here it is. Ouch!

How'd it happen? Well, I believe that Rachel was reaching for a plate above where her sink is. She grabbed it with both hands and was bringing her arms down - when she accidentally impaled herself on a knife that was drying in the silverware caddy.

Ummm... okay.. enough of that look. Doesn't it look much better now that she had a couple stiches? Yeah, I think so.

We are pleased that she is feeling good and her injury hasn't diminished her love of being in the kitchen. She is sitting on the couch right now discussing with Hannah the cheesecake they are going to make here shortly!


Joel said...

I'm guessing, padre, that you didn't take the wound photos, cause otherwise you'd probably have fainted and ended up being a patient yourself. I'm surprised you even had the stomach to post them. Carissa would like to add this comment, "I'd give that lac (short for laceration) a 4; you should ask sometime about the 20-something guy that almost got scalped."

Joel said...

OK, the last portion of my previous comment may have been me putting words in my dear wife's mouth, but seriously, you should ask her about that guy sometime. Apparently he had a triangular flap of skin flailing around on his head. Now if she could remember what caused it; the current theory is a bike crash, but it could have also been a knife fight.

Joel said...

I just realized I had yet to express my sympathies for Rachel.

Rachel, you have my best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Tod Henderson said...

i definitely did NOT take the lac photo as you suspected. jon and rachel did all the picture taking at home and at the emergency room.

using carissa's scale.. i am able to predict that i would pass out when observing an 11. i'm guessing she sees about 8 of those a night ;)

julie said...

Most of the wounds I see are dog bites wounds and they are never pretty.At least it was not Cutco!!

Lurinda said...

Rachel, please get well soon. It looks like it hurts just a little (ouch). Something I would recommend for your safety, my mother taught us this. When you have a sharp knife, put the blade down so this type of thing does not happen! You spend too much time in the kitchen, we do not want to see you hurt again! Love ya too much! Again get well soon!

Lurinda said...

oh and by the way, this is why we don't let Tod near sharp objects!