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June 12, 2009


Team Henderson has been absolutely gluttonous lately. Let's face it - there is just too much culinary talent around here to avoid a great desert.

First, sisters Hannah and Rachel put together these amazing treats. They started by making an amazing cheesecake and then added some festive chocolate accents that added so much to the presentation. That's 'Tod' in script chocolate. They had a really good time working it.

Then, while the cheesecake was baking they went to town caramelizing bananas. They looked and tasted absolutely fabulous topping some vanilla ice cream.

Then, this morning Julie got a baking lesson from Nancy Schlink - a good friend from the Highway Community. She is a culinary school trained chef and spent time teaching Julie more about pastry making right in our home. It was a special treat for Julie.

First, they worked on biscuits. Here are some of the cheese biscuits they produced - which were absolutely amazing. I think I ate 5 of these within 10 minutes!

Julie was particularly interested in learning more about pie crust making. So, they made a beautiful apple pie. Here is it baking away in the oven.

Nancy is a great chef and a great teacher and Julie learned a lot. Tod, on the other hand, just ate a lot ;)

We really gotta stop eating!!!


Janice said...

The food all looks so fun and delicious! That picture from the previous post just may come true...

Lurinda said...

It all looks so good! It is a good thing you are so far away, we just get pics and that does not go to the hips! Even though I think I gained 5 lbs on each side!!!!!

Vicki said...

I've never seen an apple pie mounded (right word?)so high! Wow!

~joanne said...

Julie..you will have to teach us what you learned next week!

julie said...

It tasted so good too. I have made pies before but always cheat on the crust but she gave me some great pointers on making a flaky homemade crust.