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June 6, 2009

Tod's Laceration Scale

Here is a visual representation of my laceration scale (where 4 = rachel's recent laceration).

Here's a 4: nauseous.. but hanging in there

6: umm.. experiencing some disorientation

8: mommy? mommy??

10: why is the room spinning??

11: head exploded... passing into the light... Jesus? is that you?????

This has nothing to do with the laceration scale.. but speaking of scales... this is an impression of myself at 890 lbs - lying in bed waiting for someone to bring me some more fried chicken and Mtn. Dew.


julie said...

OK this is just not right!! Tod lay off the donuts!!

Lurinda said...

Julie, you are so right! This is just not right!!! He must be on something more than donuts, what is in his Mtn Dew?

Joel said...

Captions for padre's obesity picture:

Git in muy belley!

Ho ho ho...Bo shooda.

No kitty, this is my pot pie. Nooo kitty, this is myyyy pot pie. No kitty, that's a bad kitty!

I don't eat donuts anymore. I had a problem when I was a child, where I'd eat them two at a time, and then they'd get lodged right here in this region.

Thaaaaa Bears!

Tod Henderson said...

joel - you make me laugh!