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January 31, 2010

Clean out

Every once in awhile our waste line clogs because of the Magnolia tree we have in our front yard; a romantic gift from our house's previous owner to his southern belle wife.  Our city has always been fantastic about coming and performing a clean out because the 'issue' occurs in the part of the line that is under their easement on our property.  Essentially, it occur right under the tree because the roots LOVE the moisture and 'nutrients' the waste line offers.

Well, recently the city told us they needed to install a 'clean out' which allows them to do their work from the yard.  To date they have done the clean out from the manhole in the street.  No more, now they insist on working from the yard so that the city employees are not at risk working in the middle of the street.

So, they came last week to install the clean out.  Here they are getting started.  The equipment you see helps them figure out exactly where the pipes run into our yard.

Once they figured out where the lines go it was time to dig down to them.  So, they brought out the heavy equipment and started digging.

They figured they had to go about 4-5 feet down to find the pipe to tap into and put in the clean out.

By the time the hole was dug out they had removed about 1/3rd of the roots to our Magnolia tree.  We'll have to see how that works out.  We're wondering if it will show trauma signs.

Here's a longer shot of the digging.

Once they got a guy into the hole and he started cleaning out around the underground pipe - he looked up from the hole and realized... that there already WAS a clean out in the yard.  They had almost dug it up with the bucket!!   It was buried just far enough below the surface of the ground that we've never 'discovered it'. 

The guys from the city water department were pretty embarrassed to say the least. Apparently, their records weren't too good and they failed to note there already was a clean out.

Well, they put the dirt back in the hole, put the sod back on top of it, and raised the existing clean out up to ground level.  Too funny - they had to dig a 5' deep hole to find the existing clean out!